Thursday, February 19, 2009


I - having a wild, and extremely random, imagination - just came up with an imaginary creatuer called Internetalopian.
Internetalopians are little... ah, computer bugs if you will. They travel through the inernet and get on people's computers, eating up the things on your computer that you don't save - things like, for instance, a word document you begin to type, but decide you don't like, so you go to FILE and click NEW and don't save it.
The Internetalopians are harmless computer-bugs that don't speak except in little titters and ticks. Almost like they have their very own version of the Morse Code.
Sometimes, if you're quick and very lucky, you might just spot one chomping on a file or setting up camp on your hard-drive.
This one is Internetalopian Fiona, and she likes to dance.

See...? Well, go on, press play, already!

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